2. Get plenty of protein, but limit your meat intake. Eat only lean meat (preferably white meat). The FDA recommends 0-2 servings of meat per day. It's best to gain protein from beans and nuts. Unless you are on an intensive workout routine, you should probably be eating about a gram of protein for every pound you weigh in order to maintain your weight. If you are on an intensive workout routine, about a gram per pound is still probably best, but your personal trainer would better be able to help you determine the necessary amount based on your goals and body type.
3. You should keep in mind that losing weight shouldn't be something that a person tries to do fast; take your time. Exercise can speed up the process, but don't come up with an exercise plan that you'll realistically never be able to maintain. The same applies to changing the way that you eat: think sensibly about it. It is healthier to be overweight than to have your weight constantly fluctuating. Be sure to make decisions which you can stick to.
4. You are basically going to train your body to like the way that you eat, and in time you will appreciate that you made the changes, for you'll feel healthier, too.
5. Never let yourself get so hungry that you want to eat everything: grab some unsalted nuts or a banana or an apple. You are not obligated to eat a big lunch, and it is probably best that you don't. Eating will often make people want to take a nap, but this is not the main reason for not eating a big lunch; the main reason is to start training your mind and body to think differently about food.
6. Program yourself to think of a real meal as something with protein, fruits, and vegetables.
7. If you just have to have bread with your meal, try having whole wheat. Other grains are also profitable. Some other grains that are useful include millet, barley, and buckwheat. Sprouted wheat is also a good source of protein.
8. If you are feeling a little drained or you're just wanting a fast pick me up, have a tablespoon or two of (reduced fat) peanut butter.
9. Keep in mind that the FDA recommends no more than 10 teaspoons of sugar daily. 10 teaspoons of sugar weighs roughly 40 g. The average American consumes well over 20 teaspoons per day. Try to avoid high sugar foods. If you need sugars, try less refined sugars such as unrefined sugar, and organic honey.
10. Make time to eat. Eating slowly aids digestion and the absorption of vitamins. Do your best to make time to sit down and eat your food slowly. Savor it. Even when eating healthy, take the time to enjoy it. On top of making you happy, this will give your body time to break it down more fully.
11. Avoid fast food whenever possible.
12. Drink plenty of water. On top of keeping you hydrated, it flushes toxins out of your system.
Source: Unknown